Alumna Ashely Eva Brock champions sustainable fashion

“I knew when I went to school for fashion design that incorporating sustainability was important to me and CCA (California College of the Arts) is one of the few fashion design schools that takes sustainability seriously, so that made it very attractive… While there I got to study under Lynda Grose and something that Lynda emphasized was to think about sustainability as a many-faceted approach and that no one thing is going to save the world. She encouraged us to continually think of different ways and approaches to bring sustainability into design.”

Ashley Eva Brock received a BFA in Fashion Design from CCA in 2012. Now she is striking out on her own as a young fashion and textile engineer, focusing on using natural fibers and dyes, along with upcycling, and aiming to create garments and other work that facilitate personal, societal and environmental healing. On September 23, 2017, she created a full look for a Climate Beneficial Fall Gala organized by Fibershed.

To read more about Ashley's journey, check out the full article on Fibershed.