Atelier Policies
Our high school summer program guidelines help ensure a successful and positive art and design experience for all.
For high schoolers finding their voice
High school students (ages 14-18) are eligible to attend CCA’s non-credit, non-residential Atelier youth programs in San Francisco all year long. Fall and spring courses run as weekend-long intensives and multi-week courses and are open to local students in all grades. In summer, we offer weeklong studio programs for ninth- and tenth-grade students.
If you are looking for CCA Youth Programs for middle school students or older high school students who wish to earn college credit, please explore our Young Artist Studio Program (YASP) or Pre-College program, respectively.
Code of Conduct
CCA is committed to offering high-quality youth programming
All Atelier participants should have an interest in art and design. In the event an instructor or staff member deems a student's behavior as disruptive to other participants, CCA reserves the right to withdraw the participant from the program.
Attendance and absences
Atelier is an intensive immersion in art, with three to six hours of instruction per class. Participants are expected to be present for the entire program. If another student activity or vacation plans conflict with a full-time commitment to Atelier, please wait until next year to register for the program.
We understand in some cases scheduling conflicts may occur during our program or that your student may miss class due to illness. If this is the case, please notify us as soon as possible at
Personal items and electronic devices
During class time, students are not allowed to use portable music players, personal laptops, tablets, or other electronic devices of any kind unless it is part of the instruction. This policy is meant to encourage students to be present and to engage with their peers and instructor. If students have a cell phone, it must be turned off while classes are in session. Students are welcome to use these devices when not in a classroom. We also encourage any items of value to be left at home, and skateboards or scooters are not allowed on campus.
Health & Safety
Expect a healthy and safe learning environment
Before the start of Atelier, parents and guardians are required to inform us of the following:
- Any medical conditions, including known mental health conditions, that may impact your child’s participation in the program
- Any learning disabilities/differences or health issues
Please submit this information by email to, and specify if you would like this information shared with your student’s instructors and college staff.
Our staff and instructors are not allowed to provide or administer any medical treatment or medication to Atelier participants — including aspirin. It’s imperative you plan ahead. If your student is likely to need medication while in class (e.g., for cramps, allergies, headaches, etc.), please confirm they have the medication with them each day and discuss with them when and how to take it.
Atelier is an intensive immersion art and design program. If your child takes medication during the regular school year to help focus and successfully participate in a school environment, we ask that you continue this course of action throughout the program and prepare your child accordingly.
CANRA (Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act)
Because minors attend Atelier, we follow CANRA law, which requires us to report to child protective authorities if we receive any information about possible abuse of children of the program, as well as wherever and by whomever the possible abuse may be occurring. Atelier program administrators are trained in CANRA, and other personnel of the program are required to immediately inform an administrator if any such information is received.
Refund Policy
Eligibility requirements for a tuition refund vary
Withdrawal/refund requests must be made via email to If you are requesting a refund due to an injury or illness, please provide a doctor’s note with your request. The time stamp on the request will be honored as the withdrawal date. Phone calls are not an acceptable communication method for withdrawing from Atelier. No refund will be issued for Atelier participants who have been withdrawn from the program by CCA for disruptive behavior. Please allow four weeks to process all refund requests.
Important dates
Fall and Spring Atelier
- Four business days (M-F) before the first class — Receive a 90% tuition refund if your withdrawal request is time stamped on or before this date. No refunds thereafter.
Summer Atelier
- Tuition Refund
- April 10 — 100% refund if you withdrawal on or before this date
- April 11-May 30 — 50% refund if you withdrawal during this timeframe
- After May 30 — No refund
- Meal Plan Refund
- April 10 — 100% refund if you withdrawal on or before this date ($70)
- April 11-May 29 — 50% refund if you withdrawal during this timeframe ($35)
- After May 30 — No refund